Bulletin Board

Hibernia College Quality Framework Bulletin Board

Below you will see two lists. The first displays policies, procedures and guidelines that have been approved and/or came into effect in the last two months. The second displays drafts that are currently available for comment.  The Protected Document indicates that a document is currently only available for comment by members of a small reference group as development is in the preliminary stages. Accordingly a password will be needed to access these documents. Passwords are issued by the author.

Recent Approvals

Document Title Status Effective Date
Admissions Policy Current 5th July 2024
Academic Integrity and Good Practice Policy Current 5th July 2024
Establishing Overarching Standards for Student Conduct Policy Current 5th July 2024
Board of Examiners Terms of Reference Current 5th July 2024
Academic Board Terms of Reference Current 5th July 2024
Programme Board Terms of Reference Current 5th July 2024
Ongoing Monitoring of Fully Online or Blended Learning Programmes Policy Current 27th June 2024
Development and Approval of Programmes for a Blended or Fully Online Environment Policy Current 27th June 2024
Regulations for Synchronous Online Examinations Current 27th June 2024
Engaging in Online Communication Guideline Current 27th June 2024
Framework for International Student Support Current 27th June 2024
Collaborative and Transnational Provision Framework Current 27th June 2024
Design of Programmes and Curricula for a Blended or Fully Online Environment Policy Current 26th June 2024

Documents for Comment

Document Title Date Due for Comment Document Author
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