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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Elections and Appointments to Governance Committees Procedure


Purpose and Parent Policy

(1) This procedure sets out the steps for the election and/or appointment of people to positions on academic governance committees within the College, as set out in the Governance and Management Policy


Staff Responsibilities 

(2) The Registrar, or nominee, is the returning officer for elections to governance committees. 

(3) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager, or nominee, is responsible for recording elections and appointments and for the logistics of running elections. 

Chairperson’s Responsibilities 

(4) The Chairperson of a particular governance committee is responsible for appointing members to the committee with the approval of the committee. 

Top of Page

Section 2 - Procedure 

Part A - Procedure for Elections 


(5) A vacancy is identified when: 

  1. A new position is created. 
  2. An incumbent resigns in writing to the Chairperson. 
  3. An incumbent no longer meets the criteria for inclusion in their constituency. 
  4. An incumbent is removed from office by the committee with the approval of the Academic Board. 
  5. An incumbent’s term of office has concluded. 

(6) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager identifies the vacancy and notifies the Chairperson and Registrar, noting the constituency and a proposal for election dates. 

(7) The Chairperson grants approval for the calling for an election. 

The Timeframe for an Election 

(8) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager notifies the constituency of the dates for an election, including: 

  1. A minimum two-week nomination period. 
  2. A minimum two-week election campaign period. 
  3. A minimum one-week polling period, which may include the second week of the campaign period. 

Calling for Nominations for an Election 

(9) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager invites nominations from the constituency. 

(10) Members of the constituency may nominate themselves. 

(11) Nominations may include a statement of suitability for election of a maximum of 150 words to be circulated, by the Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager, to the rest of the constituency. 

(12) At the end of the nomination period, the Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager notifies the Chairperson and returning officer of the nominated candidates for election. 

(13) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager then circulates details of the nominees, their statements of suitability and details of the election to the constituency. 


(14) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager organises a poll that is: 

  1. Anonymous. 
  2. Online. 
  3. Secure. 

(15) Members of the constituency may cast a single vote within the polling period. 

(16) The candidate with the largest number of votes is deemed elected. The counting of votes is conducted electronically and will be overseen by the Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager. 

(17) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager notifies the Registrar of the result, who returns the result to the constituency and other members of the relevant committee in writing. 

(18) The successful candidate is deemed elected from the point of the first meeting of the committee to which they have been elected until their term of office has ended. 


(19) Candidates may appeal the result of an election. 

(20) In the event of an appeal, the Data Protection Officer will investigate the conduct of the election. 

(21) In the event that the election was not conducted in line with College policy and procedure, the election will be re-run. 

Part B - Procedure for Appointments 


(22) A vacancy is identified when: 

  1. A new position is created. 
  2. An incumbent resigns in writing to the Chairperson. 
  3. An incumbent no longer meets the criteria for inclusion in their constituency. 
  4. An incumbent is removed from office by the committee with the approval of the Academic Board. 
  5. An incumbent’s term of appointment has concluded. 

(23) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager identifies the vacancy and notifies the Chairperson, noting the constituency and the need for an appointment. 


(24) The Chairperson selects an appointee who has the appropriate skills or knowledge suitable to the committee. 

(25) The Chairperson offers the position to the appointee in writing. 

Acceptance of an Appointment 

(26) The appointee must accept the appointment in writing. 

Confirmation of the Appointment 

(27) The appointment must be confirmed by the relevant committee. 

(28) The appointment must be notified to the Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager. 

Rejection of an Appointment 

(29) Where the appointee does not accept the position, this Chairperson may select another appointee. The appointment process recommences as detailed above.