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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee Terms of Reference

Section 1 - Introduction


(1) The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee (TLAC) guides the Academic Board and the College community in strategy, policy and approach to teaching, learning and assessment for all programmes.

Status of the TLAC

(2) The TLAC is a subcommittee of the Academic Board.

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Section 2 - Composition and Membership

(3) The composition and membership of the TLAC is as follows:

  1. Ex Officio Members
    1. Academic Dean
    2. Programme Directors
    3. Head of Digital Learning
    4. Digital Learning Manager
  2. Chairperson
    1. The TLAC elects a chairperson from amongst its members for a two-year period.
  3. Vice Chairperson
    1. The TLAC elects a vice chairperson from amongst its members who shall act as vice chairperson for a two-year period.
  4. External Members/Appointed Members
    1. One external member appointed by the Academic Board
    2. One member of Faculty per programme, appointed by the Programme Director
    3. One student representative per programme, appointed by TLAC.
  5. Nominated Members 
    1. There are no nominated members.
  6. Elected Members
    1. Three Adjunct Faculty representatives elected from among Adjunct Faculty
  7. Co-Opted Members
    1. The Chairperson may, with the support of the majority of the members of the TLAC meeting at an ordinary meeting of the Committee, co-opt a member of the College or an external party to the committee for a period of one year, where such a co-option assists in the discharge of the responsibilities of the TLAC.
    2. Normally, a maximum of two persons may be co-opted to the TLAC at any one point in time.
  8. In Attendance - By Invitation
    1. The Chairperson may invite an external party deemed relevant to the business of a meeting to attend.
  9. In Attendance – Secretarial
    1. A member of administrative Staff is invited by the Chairperson act as secretary to the TLAC.
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Section 3 - Terms of Reference

Part A - Functions and Responsibilities of the TLAC

(4) The TLAC:

  1. Promotes innovation and excellence in teaching, learning and assessment in Hibernia College including the development and ongoing review of the College’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy
  2. Advises the Academic Board on the management of teaching, learning and assessment and the alignment of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy with the Hibernia College Quality Framework
  3. Consults with the Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager on the review of relevant policies and procedures as required 
  4. Offers advice to the Programme Directors on issues in teaching, learning and assessment pertaining to their programmes
  5. Oversees the analysis and benchmarking of programmes and academic standards

Part B - Meetings

Nature of Meetings

(5) TLAC meetings may take place face-to-face, by telephone, videoconference or other electronic means. 

(6) TLAC members are required to fully prepare for each meeting, read the documentation in advance and make every reasonable effort to attend each meeting.

Frequency of Meetings

(7) TLAC meetings are held at least four times per year - normally, once per quarter before a meeting of the Academic Board.

(8) The TLAC determines its meeting schedule annually, in advance, and meet as scheduled.


(9) The quorum for a committee meeting is 50% of the membership, plus one. 

(10) Every reasonable effort should be made to ensure the quorum includes at least one representative of the student body. 

(11) Where a loss of quorum is identified, the meeting may be adjourned until a time the Chairperson determines. 


(12) Decisions are normally made by consensus but in the absence of consensus, by open vote. 

(13) Where there is a tied vote, the Chairperson has the casting vote.

(14) Decisions may be made at a duly called and constituted meeting or by a resolution in writing to all members which is approved in writing by at least a quorum of members.

(15) Where any voting member could be perceived to have a conflict of interest in relation to the matter being considered, they will be recused from the decision-making process.

(16) Any matters for decision considered when the meeting is inquorate must be subsequently ratified at the next Committee meeting before those decisions can be actioned.

(17) All decisions must be formally recorded. In the absence of a formal record, any apparent decision shall be deemed null and void.

Part C - Ensuring Effective Practice

Agenda and Minutes

(18) Agendas and associated documentation are distributed at least five working days before the meeting. 

(19) Members are notified of the location and availability of material. 

(20) Only with the Chairperson’s permission are late papers or the tabling of papers accepted. 

(21) All papers must be submitted to the secretary by the specified submission deadline.

(22) TLAC records shall be retained by the secretary.

(23) Minutes are to be prepared of each meeting. 

(24) The Chairperson reviews the draft minutes and matters arising, after which the Secretary circulates the documents to all TLAC members and includes them in the agenda papers for the next meeting.

Annual Work Plan

(25) An annual work plan is drawn up and agreed.

Access to Resources

(26) All members, both internal and external, are given access to all resources and artefacts needed to fulfil their duties as members.

Part D - Evaluation and Review

Review by the Academic Board

(27) The TLAC submits an annual report on its activity to the Academic Board.

(28) The TLAC is reviewed by the Academic Board on its performance against these terms of reference every three years.

Review of the Terms of Reference

(29) The Chairperson reviews these terms of reference every two years in conjunction with the Academic Board and amends as appropriate. 

(30) Any amendments are subject to ratification by the Academic Board.