(1) The purpose of this (2) The policy applies to all Staff and Faculty involved in the design, provision and support of a Hibernia College programme. (3) The policy applies throughout the life cycle of a programme, following development and approval and runs in between periodic reviews. (4) The Academic Board has ultimate responsibility for the monitoring of programmes for the purposes identified. (5) The Academic Board delegates responsibility for the implementation of measures to fulfil this policy to the Programme Board, under the leadership of the Programme Director. (6) The Programme Board implements monitoring mechanisms and reports findings through the Programme Director to the Academic Board. (7) The Programme Director has responsibility for convening meetings of the Programme Board as prescribed in the Terms of Reference for the Programme Board. (8) This policy has been designed with regard to the European Standards and Guidelines and the Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines; both of which specify the need for Hibernia College to implement policies and procedures setting out how programmes are monitored on an ongoing basis. Other QQI policies which have relevance include Topic Specific Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for Providers of Blended and Fully Online Programmes, Policy for Collaborative Programmes, Transnational Programmes and Joint Awards and Policies and criteria for the validation of programmes of education and training. (9) Ongoing monitoring seeks to confirm that (amongst other things) a programme continues to meet the regulatory criteria for approval of a programme where the programme is accredited by a third party. This means that the legal and regulatory context set out in the Development and Approval of Programmes for a Blended or Online Environment Policy are relevant here. (10) Ongoing monitoring of fully online programmes must also remain cognisant of the College Frameworks for Transnational and Collaborative Provision and International Student Support. (11) The programme including course materials and intended learning outcomes shall be regularly reviewed, updated and improved using feedback from stakeholders. (12) Programmes are not static — they evolve over time — and College procedures must be used to capture and reflect on possible changes required. (13) Accredited programmes are subjected to systematic oversight, as documented in the relevant procedure, to ensure that they continue to meet the regulatory criteria for their approval. Where relevant, this includes both academic and professional approvals. (14) Ongoing monitoring identifies areas for change and prompts incremental improvements to the programme over time. (15) Specific consideration is given to: (16) The following must be used by all programmes under the auspices of the Programme Board: (17) Ongoing monitoring may lead to: (18) Ongoing monitoring draws on information from a variety of sources, including: (19) Where an outcome of ongoing monitoring includes a concern about the programme in relation to any of these principles, it may trigger a review of the programmes in line with the Periodic Review of Academic Programmes Policy where this is deemed appropriate by the Academic Board. A proposal shall be made by the Programme Board to the Academic Board. (20) For collaborative and/or transnational programmes, ongoing monitoring seeks to confirm that:Ongoing Monitoring of Fully Online or Blended Learning Programmes Policy
Section 1 - Introduction
To whom does the policy apply?
In what situations does the policy apply?
Who is responsible for implementing the policy?
Section 2 - Context
Legal or Regulatory Context
QA Guidelines
Policies, Criteria and Guidelines for Programme Development and Approval
Transnational and Online Provision
Section 3 - Policy Statements
Part A - Principles for Ongoing Monitoring of Blended or Online Programmes
Continuous Improvement - Ongoing Monitoring and Improvements Over Time
Instruments for Ongoing Monitoring
Outcomes of Ongoing Monitoring
Information Sources for Effective Monitoring
Link to Programmatic Review
For Collaborative and Transnational Provision
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Enable the College to identify good practices in the provision of higher education programmes for wider dissemination
Provide vital information to inform strategic decision-making at programme and College level to include the development of new programmes or the discontinuation of current programmes