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Change of Personal Details Procedure

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Section 1 - Introduction

Purpose and Parent Policy

(1) This procedure supports Hibernia College’s commitment to ensuring that student and alumni records are retained in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988–2018 (the ‘Acts’) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The parent policy is the Personal Data and Records Policy.


Student and Alumni Responsibilities

(2) The student or alumnus is responsible for notifying the College of any required changes to their personal details.

(3) The student is responsible for completing the appropriate application, available in the resources section of the Hibernia College Quality Framework, and submitting any required evidence to support their application.

Staff Responsibilities

(4) The Records and Data Manager is responsible for processing applications for changes in personal details of students and alumni.

(5) All Staff, Faculty and Adjunct Faculty are responsible for directing any requests for changes in personal details to the Records and Data Manager.

(6) All Staff, Faculty and Adjunct Faculty are responsible for appropriate care in processing of students’ special category data. 

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Section 2 - Procedure

Part A - Procedure for Change of Personal Details

Notifying the College of a Change in Personal Details

(7) Students and alumni should inform the College of a change in their personal details and advise the College of any inaccuracies in their records as soon as they are aware a change is required. 

(8) Applications are made by completing the Change of Personal Details Application Form and submitting it to the Data and Records via e-mail at


(9) The application must be accompanied by official photographic identification, e.g. passport or driver’s licence. 

(10) Where changes to name or gender are requested, an official legal document, e.g. marriage licence or a statutory declaration, confirming the change, should be provided.

(11) All requests must include:

  1. A summary of personal details as currently registered with the College
  2. An outline of the requested change, e.g. changes to surname or address 
  3. The specific details required to make the change, e.g. updated name, new address as it should now be recorded
  4. A summary of the evidence relevant to the application

Timing of an Application

(12) Students and alumni are advised to notify the College of any changes required to their personal details as soon as possible to ensure all official documentation is produced accurately, e.g. names printed on parchments.

Processing and Communication

(13) All applications are normally processed by the Records and Data Manager within 10 working days of receipt of an application.

(14) The Records and Data Manager will notify the student or alumnus on completion of processing to confirm that their details have been updated.