(1) This (2) The Programme Director or nominee, in consultation with the relevant Assessors and Grade Moderators, is responsible for implementing the procedure for grade moderation. (3) Staff on the Programme Team who collect and store grades are responsible for selecting grades for moderation. (4) Experienced, competent Assessors are appointed as Grade Moderators. (5) The Grade Moderator for a particular set of grades should have had no prior involvement in making academic judgement for the relevant pieces of student effort. (6) Following grading in line with the Grading Student Effort Procedure, the Programme Team takes a sample of the grades for moderation. (7) This sample group should include: (8) Grade moderation takes place in line with the Assessment, Grading and Certification Policy. (9) Grade Moderators review the application of the marking scheme against the student effort by the original Assessor to ensure consistent and fair assessment. (10) Grade Moderators submit a report detailing any proposed adjustments to the grades selected for moderation along with detail of the extent to which they believe the grading scheme and criteria were correctly applied. (11) Variation in grading between the Assessors and the Grade Moderator may be discussed between the two in an attempt to reach agreement. (12) Variation in grading may be discussed between the Grade Moderator and the Programme Director or nominee to determine the final grade. (13) The Programme Director has the final decision on moderation of a grade, subject to the Board of Examiners.Grade Moderation Procedure
Section 1 - Introduction
Purpose and Parent Policy
Faculty Responsibilities
Staff Responsibilities
Section 2 - Procedure
Part A - Procedure for Grade Moderation
Appointment of Grade Moderators
Grade Moderation
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