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Admission Offers Procedure

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Section 1 - Introduction

Purpose and Parent Policy

(1) This procedure outlines the steps by which offers of places on programmes are extended to applicants following completion of the Admission Interviews Procedure under the Admissions Policy.


Applicant Responsibilities

(2) The applicant is responsible for accepting their offer in a timely manner, as well as for providing the College with supplementary material which allows for their registration as a student.

Staff Responsibilities

(3) The Admissions Office is responsible for issuing offers of programme places. 

(4) The Admissions Office is responsible for implementing the Admission Offers Procedure

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Section 2 - Procedure

Part A - Admission Offers Procedure

Possible Offers

(5) The Admissions Office can make three possible offer types, based on the outcome of the Admission Application Procedure and, where relevant, the  Admission Interviews Procedure: :

  1. Unconditional offer: The applicant is offered a place on the programme. 
  2. Conditional offer: The applicant is offered a place on the programme provided they meet certain conditions relating to either pending examination results or the completion of additional coursework.   
  3. No offer: The applicant is not offered a place on the programme. Where a student is not offered a place.

(6) Both unconditional and conditional offers are subject to meeting the requirements to become a registered student outlined in the Admissions Policy.

Accepting an Offer

(7) Successful applicants accept offers by:

  1. Payment of the deposit
  2. Timely payment of fees
  3. Accepting the terms and conditions associated with the offer
  4. Accepting the policies and procedures of the College.

(8) The Admissions Office issues the offer in writing to successful applicants and includes:

  1. Indicative information about the programme
  2. Information about fees
  3. Terms and conditions attached to the offer

Accepting an Offer

(9) Successful applicants accept offers by:

  1. Payment of the deposit
  2. Payment of the first instalment of fees
  3. Accepting the terms and conditions associated with the offer
  4. Accepting the policies and procedures of the College

Postponement of a Place on the Programme

(10) The College offers the option to postpone commencement on some programmes. Where this is available, the applicant must:

  1. Accept their offer and pay the deposit
  2. Make the request for postponement in writing to the Admissions Office

(11) Commencement of the programme can be postponed for up to one year. 

(12) The student must meet the entry requirements of the instance of the programme they are joining. 

(13) The Admissions Office will notify the applicant of the decision in writing and will include the terms and conditions associated with the postponement.

Terms and Conditions

(14) All offers are subject to the following terms and conditions: 

  1. The student commits to remain in good standing with the College by complying with all regulations and paying fees as appropriate. 
  2. The student commits to meeting any specific conditions attached to their offer. 
  3. The student agrees to the processing of student data by Hibernia College in order to support the delivery of the programme. 
  4. The student agrees to any other terms and conditions accompanying the written offer or specific to the programme.