(1) This (2) This (3) This (4) This (5) This (6) The Erasmus Coordinator, under the responsibility of the Department of the Dean, is responsible for the implementation of this (7) The Erasmus Committee is responsible for supporting the Erasmus Coordinator as required and for executing any additional duties delegated to it from the Academic Board. (8) The Academic Dean, in consultation with the Erasmus Coordinator, relevant Heads of Department and Human Resources, is responsible for approving individual Staff and teacher mobilities with Erasmus Charter approved institutions. (9) (10) (11) Any higher education institution (HEI) participating in learning mobility via (12) HEIs must respect all the provisions of the ECHE during the implementation of any Erasmus+ activity. (13) The HEA is the National Agency (Higher Education) for the EU (14) In accordance with ECHE principles, Hibernia College is required to have an internationalisation strategy. This strategy is articulated through this published Erasmus Policy Statement. (15) The Hibernia College vision is to further develop our position as Ireland’s leading provider of teacher education and to develop and create new educational opportunities making them accessible for the global learner. (16) The College's mission is to provide equal education opportunities to students. Hibernia College delivers technology-enhanced and flexible (17) The Erasmus Committee is an ad hoc committee convened as required to ensure continuity of the (18) The Erasmus Committee normally consists of the Erasmus Coordinator, the Academic Dean, a representative of the Finance Department and any other member of Staff deemed relevant to committee business, as required. (19) International partners are selected based on areas of mutual interest that aim to improve the quality of learning and teaching in common areas. (20) All Hibernia College Staff who meet the threshold criteria for selection are eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. (21) All documentation relating to Erasmus+, and the promotion of Erasmus+, is located in a shared Staff portal on the College’s Web-based collaboration platform. (22) To ensure effective communication of academic information to potential (23) This section outlines the objectives for (24) Improve the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society, in particular, through increased opportunities for learning mobility and through strengthened cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work. (25) Foster quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalisation at the level of education and training institutions, in particular, through enhanced transnational cooperation between education and training providers and other stakeholders. (26) Increase capacity to operate at EU/international level: improve management skills and internationalisation strategies; reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries; increase allocation of financial resources (other than EU funds) to organise EU/international projects; increase quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up of EU/international projects. (27) Develop innovative and improved ways of working with the College’s target groups by providing, for example, more attractive programmes for students in line with their needs and expectations; improve qualifications of teaching and training Staff; improve processes of recognition and validation of competences gained during learning periods abroad; develop more effective activities for the benefit of local communities, improved youth work methods and practices to actively involve young people and/or to address disadvantaged groups, etc. (28) To enhance the modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment within the College: ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities; open to synergies with organisations active in different social, educational and employment fields; planning strategically the professional development of their Staff in relation to individual needs and organisational objectives. (29) Improve competences, linked to participants’ professional profiles (teaching, training, youth work, etc.). (30) Develop a broader understanding of practices, (31) Increase capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within individuals’ educational organisations. (32) Develop a greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and the labour market respectively. (33) Improve the quality of their work and activities in favour of students. (34) Develop a greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity. (35) Increase their ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged. (36) Increase their support for and promotion of mobility activities for learners. (37) Increase their opportunities for professional and career development. (38) Increase their foreign language competences. (39) Increase their motivation and satisfaction in their daily work. (40) The following activities are undertaken across the College to promote the (41) In addition to aligning with the identified (42) All Hibernia College Staff and Faculty taking part in (43) Before College Staff and Faculty depart on (44) The College ensures the selection and grant award procedure is fair, transparent, coherent and documented and is made available to all parties involved in the selection process. (45) The College ensures the selection criteria are available to Staff on the College’s Web-based collaboration platform. (46) The College takes the necessary measures to prevent any conflict of interest during the selection process. (47) (48) (49) Preference may be given to (50) The proposed visit must: (51) The proposed visit must be relevant to the development of the individual’s role in Hibernia College. (52) It must also be relevant to the continuing professional development of the individual. (53) Participation in the (54) Participation in the (55) The College will only consider requests from institutions, or individuals associated with institutions, that are participant members of the (56) The College will consider requests for inward mobility from institutions or individuals whose requests align with the College strategic vision. (57) Priority will be given to requests from organisations who have hosted a visit from a Hibernia College Staff member. (58) The proposed visit must not negatively impact the work of the hosting department.Erasmus Policy Statement
Section 1 - Introduction
To whom does the policy apply?
In what situations does the policy apply?
Who is responsible for implementing the policy?
Section 2 - Context
Legal and Regulatory Context
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)
Higher Education Authority (HEA)
Hibernia College Context
Hibernia College International Strategy
Section 3 - Policy Statements
Part A - Principles for Erasmus
The Erasmus Committee
Selecting Partners
Equality of Access to Erasmus+ Activities
Part B - Objectives for Inward or Outward Staff Mobility
Erasmus+ Objectives
Organisational Objectives
Individual Outcomes
Promotion of Erasmus+ Within Hibernia College
Top of PageSection 4 - Principles for Selection of Erasmus+ Partner Institutions
Top of PageInstitutional Profile
Academic Standing
Student Supports
Programme Information
Geographical Areas
Section 5 - Principles Underpinning Individual Mobility Activities
Outward Mobility
Principles Underpinning Approval of Outward Mobility
Threshold Criteria for Participants
Contribution to the College
Contribution to the Individual
Contractual Obligations
Inward Mobilities
Approval of Inward Mobility
View Current
This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.