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Reasonable Accommodation Procedure

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Purpose and Parent Policy

(1) This procedure outlines the steps by which students with a disability or a long-term illness may apply to have a provision made in respect to their effort in assessment tasks or requirements of their programme. This procedure implements the Reasonable Accommodation Policy and the Access, Transfer and Progression Policy


Student Responsibilities

(2) The student is responsible for applying for Reasonable Accommodation. The College cannot be expected to offer reasonable accommodations without notification from the student. 

(3) The student is responsible for providing verifiable evidence of their disability or long-term illness. 

(4) The student is responsible for informing Assessors, Tutors or Supervisors of any reasonable accommodation granted. 

Staff Responsibilities

(5) The Department of the Registrar is responsible for implementing this procedure in consultation with the relevant Programme Director or nominee.

(6) The Department of Student Affairs is responsible for supporting students who disclose a disability or long-term illness throughout the reasonable accommodation application process and to keep in contact throughout the period of study to ensure levels of support are maintained. The Department of Student Affairs is also responsible for encouraging positive changes with regard to accessibility/universal design in learning. 

(7) Staff are responsible for proper treatment of students’ sensitive personal data.

Faculty Responsibilities

(8) The Programme Director, or nominee, is responsible for consulting with the Department of the Registrar about a student’s application for reasonable accommodation. 

(9) The Academic Board is responsible for overarching implementation of the Access, Transfer and Progression Policy, which ensures inclusivity and equality of opportunity to all students with a disability or long-term illness. 

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Accessing Information on Reasonable Accommodation

(10) Prospective Students and applicants with a disability or long-term illness are advised to contact the Admissions Office to discuss their personal situation with a view to the College implementing appropriate strategies and resources to accommodate their needs.

(11) They will be advised of any relevant arrangements to be made to facilitate their application and completion of the admissions process.


(12) Students and applicants who want reasonable accommodation for assessment or other programme requirements apply in writing to the Registrar.

(13) The application specifies:

  1. Details of their disability or long-term illness
  2. The likely material impact on their demonstration of their achievement of learning outcomes
  3. The provisions they are requesting in respect to reasonable accommodation

(14) The application must be accompanied by verifiable, independent evidence of their disability or long-term illness and the likely material impacts thereof, certified by a competent medical professional in accordance with the Reasonable Accommodation Policy

Timing of an Application

(15) Normally, a student must apply for reasonable accommodation at the point:

  1. Of application to the College
  2. Where the disability or long-term illness arises
  3. Where the impact of a disability or long-term illness escalates to the point where a student feels a reasonable accommodation is required

(16) The College recognises that there can be occasions when a disability or long-term illness is not disclosed at the point of application or registration. In such instances, students should advise the Registrar of their circumstances at the earliest opportunity. 

(17) Where a disability or long-term illness has not been disclosed at the point of application or registration, the College cannot guarantee to provide all necessary resources and supports but will seek to provide reasonable accommodations after the application has been made. 


(18) The Department of the Registrar reviews the application of each student who has disclosed a disability or long-term illness at the point of admission and notifies the Department of Student Affairs of the names of students requiring assessment. 

(19) The Department of Student Affairs arranges a joint assessment of reasonable accommodation applications by the Registrar and Programme Director. 

(20) The Programme Director, in consultation with the Registrar, will decide if a reasonable accommodation is merited based on the evidence provided and, where relevant, identify if there are means by which the College can meet the accommodations identified to ensure that all teaching, learning and assessment requirements are fairly carried out.

(21) Where a student has disclosed a disability/long-term illness but has not requested any reasonable accommodations, the Department of Student Affairs will meet with the student (in person or online/telephone) to confirm that the student has no need for any accommodation and to provide any relevant support information.


(22) The outcome of the application is decided by the Programme Director in consultation with the Registrar, considering any recommendation of the Head of Student Affairs.

(23) Outcomes are decided case-by-case on a basis of:

  1. Consultation with the student and any relevant competent professionals
  2. Consideration of the evidence supplied

(24) When an outcome has been decided, the Registrar will respond to the student’s application in writing, specifying: 

  1. The outcome of the application
  2. Any reasonable accommodations that are to be granted

(25) The Department of Student Affairs liaises with other departments to put agreed supports and accommodations in place, such as the Assessment and Awards Office. 

Right of Appeal

(26) The student may appeal the decision using the Appeals Policy.