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View Policies A - Z

Know the name of the document you are looking for?

Following is a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all policies, procedures and guidelines contained in the Hibernia College Quality Framework. Jump to the relevant part of the alphabet by clicking an alphabetical character in the fast find index below.  Each alphabetic grouping of documents is headed with the relevant letter of the alphabet, next to which you will find a "view summary descriptions" link.  If you are not sure you have found the right policy, click this link to view the summary descriptions.  These may help you determine if the document is the one you are after.

Don't know the name of the document you are looking for?

If you don't know the name of the document you are looking for, don't waste time browsing the list.  The Hibernia College Quality Framework has a dedicated Search Engine.  Use it to search for documents related to your area of interest.  You can search by topic (management area), keywords, partial titles and even do full text searches.  You'll find a link to the search engine in the grey menu bar located just below the blue banner on this page.

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  • Fitness to Practise PolicyTo ensure that students are deemed to be fit for practise and hence to safeguard well-being of members of the public, service users and other students.

    Delivery of professional and accredited programmes involve student placement with the general public, patients, children and vulnerable adults.
  • Fitness to Practise ProcedureThis procedure outlines the steps for providing a transparent and fair process for investigating and managing a student’s fitness to practice as set out in the Fitness to Practice Policy.
  • Full Development and Final Approval of a New Programme ProcedureThis procedure sets out the steps for the development and approval of programmes to be provided by Hibernia College in a blended or online learning mode.