(1) In keeping with its mission to increase accessibility to higher professional education, Hibernia College provides (2) This policy applies to Hibernia College Staff and Faculty who are designing new (3) It also applies to the Academic Board (AB) and Executive Management Team (EMT) when approving a (4) The (5) The (6) This policy applies to all (7) The Academic Board is ultimately responsible for the implementation of this (8) (9) (10) Module (11) (12) (13) (14) Types of Provision (15) (16) (17) This policy is cognisant of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 and its definitions and provisions around the principles underpinning the validation of (18) This (19) Where a (20) The Topic-Specific Quality Assurance Guidelines for Blended Learning are a supplement to the QQI Core Statutory QA Guidelines and Sector-Specific QA Guidelines. As a provider delivering blended learning (21) Where the (22) The College shall have due regard to the following policy instruments as relevant to a particular (23) Fully online and blended modes of learning are a novel experience for most learners. Learners studying in these modes do not have access to the tacit, taken-for-granted supports available to those studying on campus – the familiarity bred from meeting almost daily with classmates, supported by a teacher/lecturer who is physically present for those periods. When designing for blended and online learning, Hibernia College creates alternative support systems and learning environments for its learners underpinned by the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison, Anderson and Archer, 2001) and its focus on social, teaching and cognitive presence. [See The Pedagogical Basis of Blended Programme Design for further details]. (24) Hibernia College’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy sets out the framework that underpins the choice of instructional strategies and guides pedagogical decision-making. Its goal is to ensure that our learners receive an excellent, research-informed teaching and learning experience. The design and development of the online learning environment and its constituent learning activities is informed by the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy as well as relevant theories and models in (25) In designing (26) In designing fully online learning (27) Hibernia College’s mission centres on making education accessible to learners through reducing restrictions imposed by time and location. In designing our (28) Subject Matter Experts and Learning Designers work together to develop online materials. (29) In Hibernia College, the development of materials for blended and fully online (30) The development of materials for delivery in an online education (31) Designing Design of Programmes and Curricula for a Blended or Fully Online Environment Policy
Section 1 - Introduction
To whom does the policy apply?
In what situations does the
Who is responsible for implementing the policy?
Section 2 - Context
Legal or Regulatory Context
Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012
Quality Assurance Guidelines
In the Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines, guidelines for Validation Policies and Criteria
Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for Blended and Fully Online Learning Programmes
Transnational and Collaborative Provision
International Good Practice and Standards
Top of Page
Section 3 -
Part A - Principles for Design of
The learner experience is at the heart of the design process.
The College communicates clearly to learners with regard to the purpose, structure and expectations associated with blended or fully online learning, thus ensuring that all learners are equipped with a capacity to succeed statement that is both programme and context specific. This includes educating them on the role that technology plays in their learning and how that will impact their study strategies, communicating clear expectations in relation to their engagement with and participation in online learning activities and providing them with robust technical and academic support, as detailed within the Framework for International Student Support. It also seeks to design programmes that actively engage learners with each other and with their learning - enabling a collaborative and participatory experience. Designs are research based and aligned to the Teaching Learning and Assessment Strategy for online and blended learning.
Designs seek to closely integrate online and face-to-face elements.
Designs aim to maximise flexibility and accessibility for learners.
Part B - Principles for Developing Online Materials
The process is collaborative.
The process is highly structured.
The process is adaptive.
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A programme of education and training refers to any process by which learners may acquire knowledge, skill or competence.
It includes courses of study or instruction, apprenticeships, training and employment. A programme offers learners the learning opportunities by which they may attain educational goals (expressed as the intended programme learning outcome) by learning activities in a learning environment. A programme is normally comprised of modules.
A programme leading to a major award will normally require a ‘cohesion generating’ process which integrates constituent modules so that the minimum intended programme learning outcomes are supported. The cohesion generating process should establish the epistemological and cultural identity of the programme . It should also coordinate alignment of activities with the minimum intended programme learning outcomes and introduce learners to the broader community of practice to which they aspire. (QQI (2013) Assessment and Standards Revised)
An article of Michael Young’s in 2014, ‘What is a curriculum and what can it do?’, discussed the concepts of curriculum and pedagogy. This extract has been used to present a way of thinking about curriculum and pedagogy when designing a programme : ‘…in designing curricula… an analytical distinction between the two concepts… [curriculum/pedagogy dichotomy] may be useful. …[T]he concept “curriculum” refers to the knowledge that it is hoped [learners] will acquire by the end of a course. In contrast, pedagogy refers to the activities that teachers devise for their [learners] to enable them to acquire the knowledge specified by the curriculum.’
As set out in Assessment and Standards, a module is a programme of education and training of small volume. It is designed to be capable of being integrated with other modules into larger programmes . A module can be shared by different programmes . Some modules are designed to lead to minor or special-purpose awards. In describing the educational formation provided by an independent module, it is sufficient to specify
Certain parameters are often used in the description of a module. These include an indication of the stage in the programme at which the module is offered and sometimes, where feasible, the module’s NFQ level (i.e., the level of the MIMLOs on the NFQ where the module is designed to lead to a minor award) and of the average (entry qualified) learner effort required to complete the module successfully (represented using ECTS). Note that it is not always feasible (or even meaningful) to assign an NFQ level to a module particularly for lower volume modules at higher levels in the NFQ.
To validate a programme , all modules must be considered together. Piecemeal validation (in isolation) of constituent modules within a larger programme cannot validate the larger programme . This is because the piecemeal process is blind to the joint effect of the modules, as well as to the ‘integration of learning and teaching’ that may be required. Note, also, that learning acquired through a sequence of modules depends on the order of the sequence.
QQI adopted a Garrison and Kanuka (2004) definition of blended learning, which defines it as ‘the integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences’. Hibernia College complements this broad definition by an understanding that blended learning should be characterised as falling along a continuum as proposed by Jones (2006). Such a conception can accommodate a range of blended learning approaches.
‘Fully Online Learning ’ is here defined by QQI a programme where teaching, learning and assessment occur online, either synchronously, asynchronously, or in combination and where no onsite instruction is required
Undertaking enquiries about a proposed programme's regulatory context and viability, particularly in the context of a prospective collaborative and/or transnational arrangement to inform a decision whether to proceed or not.
The process by which it is confirmed that a programme of higher education will enable a registered learner who completes that programme to acquire and where appropriate be able to demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skill or competence to justify the award being made in respect of that programme in line with the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.
Top of PageThe Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning, referred to as ACODE, developed benchmarks in 2014 for technology enhanced learning and teaching. This policy, and associated procedures, have been designed to, at a minimum, meet these benchmarks.
The European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), a leading European institutional association in online, open and flexible higher education, has also established benchmarks for good practice. This policy , and associated procedures , has also been designed to, at a minimum, meet these benchmarks.
UNESCO/Council of Europe Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education (2007)
Ministers of Education, European Higher Education Area - European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes 2015
A policy around the European accreditation approach for joint programmes , which should be applied to all those joint programmes that are subject to compulsory programme accreditation at national level