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Monitoring and Review of the Hibernia College Quality Framework Procedure

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Section 1 - Introduction

Purpose and Parent Policy

(1) This procedure sets out the steps for monitoring and reviewing the documented elements of the Hibernia College Quality Framework (HCQF). The Hibernia College Quality Framework (HCQF) Policy is the parent policy.


Staff Responsibilities

(2) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager, under the guidance of the Registrar, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the HCQF, for editing the documented elements of it, and for ensuring it is up to date and effectively communicated to all College stakeholders.

(3) All Staff in the College are responsible for monitoring and reviewing policies and procedures as they relate to their roles. 

Faculty Responsibilities

(4) All Faculty and Adjunct Faculty are responsible for monitoring and reviewing policies and procedures as they relate to their roles.

Hibernia College Governance

(5) The approval of policies and procedures is set out in the Governance and Management Policy.

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Section 2 - Monitoring and Review 

(6) Hibernia College uses the Developing New Elements of the HCQF Procedure to initially create the documented elements of the Quality Framework. 

Part A - Monitoring the HCQF

(7) In general, the monitoring of HCQF documents is concerned with ensuring their implementation. 

Ongoing monitoring

(8) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager monitors the effective implementation of the HCQF on a day-to-day basis through the collection of feedback, the proactive proposal of improvements based on national and international guidance, and the routine implementation of College policies and procedures.

Monitoring Reports

(9) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager produces an annual report for the Academic Board which summarises monitoring activity for each policy area.

Periodic Review

(10) Each document within the HCQF specifies a review date.

(11) On the review date, the Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager conducts a review, asking all stakeholders:

  1. Is the text still up to date?
  2. Is the document implemented as written?
  3. Is the document relevant and useful?
  4. Are there other improvements or edits that could improve the document?

(12) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager conducts a review of the legal or regulatory context for the document.

(13) The Quality, Enhancement and Registrations Manager produces a report for the Academic Board, stating one of the following:

  1. No changes required
  2. Minor revisions required (along with a mark-up)
  3. Major revisions required (along with a brief of the revisions)
  4. Full redevelopment required