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View Policies A - Z

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Following is a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all policies, procedures and guidelines contained in the Hibernia College Quality Framework. Jump to the relevant part of the alphabet by clicking an alphabetical character in the fast find index below.  Each alphabetic grouping of documents is headed with the relevant letter of the alphabet, next to which you will find a "view summary descriptions" link.  If you are not sure you have found the right policy, click this link to view the summary descriptions.  These may help you determine if the document is the one you are after.

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  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee (TLAC) guides the Academic Board and the College community in strategy, policy, and approach to teaching, learning, and assessment for all programmes.
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment StrategyThis Hibernia College Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) Strategy sets out the College’s values and goals in relation to Teaching, Learning and Assessment within the College
  • Temporary Suspension and Deferral of Studies ProcedureThis procedure sets out the steps for temporarily suspending a student’s place on their programme, either through a deferral or a transfer of the student under the Temporary Suspension of Studies Policy.
  • Temporary Suspension of Studies and Deferral PolicyFor any number of reasons, it may be necessary for a student to temporarily suspend their studies on a programme, i.e., defer continuing studies for a period of time. This policy sets out the circumstances, principles, grounds, and criteria under which the College will allow or advise a student to temporarily suspend their place on the programme.
  • The Hibernia College Quality Framework (HCQF) PolicyThis policy sets out the principles and standards for the creation and maintenance of the Hibernia College Quality Framework (HCQF). This means it is the College’s Quality Assurance Policy. It establishes the College’s policy for building and distributing a quality culture throughout all of its activities.